We have bunnies (the dust kind)

Ok with JM’s dust allergies and my ever growing feeling the house is imploding in on me I have started “spring” cleaning in the Fall. I am having a yard sale in October because as much as I wish I was more charitable I hate to give when I can sell. I know I suck.


Now I must confess I hate cleaning. I look around and I think who made this mess? How did this place get so cluttered? I think it takes a home about two years of surface cleaning to get good and noticeable dirty. And that is where we are this month …. Two years. I realized our family has moved every two – three years for the past 15 years. It’s a good system… live in a house that is surfaced cleaned for two years + moving = clean new house and fresh start. Well like most people in our country unless we do something tricky or fuzzy math moving is not an option at this point so I guess that leaves me really only one option…. Yep you guessed it…. I can hire a maid. Oh man I wish. I will attempt a deep clean. I’m not even sure I know how to start let alone execute a deep clean. Another problem I have is I can not stand to get rid of things we “may” need in the future. Some call it being a packrat I call it being prepared. I always seem to have just the right thing to do the job or project. And toys I hate to get rid of mostly educational toys even if the kids aren’t playing with it or games I have a weakness for children’s games even if the kids don’t play it very often… the option is there. I need to stop and better evaluate what we do not need but it is so hard.


 In heath news JM is still home this week to complete his recovery and we go back to the ENT to get release to return to school on Monday but I think he will be fine. He is definitely healing. I am so thankful this is behind us! Ok off to start looking at the girls clothes at what can go to consignment.

Suburban Housewife

I know two in two days is a bit much but I could not help myself!!! I thought this was so funny!

Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

Not to offend any dear friends or family of mine, or anyone else for that matter…but this is HILARIOUS! I had to post for MR!!! LOL

Take them as they come….

I can hardly believe MD has been in school for two weeks. The same week she started dance class and let me tell you it is like a switch went on in that little girl. She is so happy and uplifted and just sun-shiny all the time now. It makes me feel a slight ping of jealousy that I couldn’t make her that happy but really it is about her and she is happy now and that is what matters most. She really loves every second of school (three days a week and she is only one of six students). She is very creative and engaged. She just talks on and on about what her class is doing. They started a science experiment today. Two cups filled with water (one with fresh water and one with salt) the children tasted the water and she was very quick to share no one was allowed to “double dip” and they will document each day what is happening to the water in each cup. TOO CUTE!

I also this weekend reconnected with a childhood friend of mine. She had an art showing at a gallery here in town. She was somewhat successful in California with private buyers but would like to be more main stream. She moved back here (home) about the same time I did. I hope she sells some paintings!! A really awesome thing is she has offered to have MD sit with her and teach her and maybe shape MD’s painting talents a bit. My friend has a master’s degree in art as well so this is a wonderful opportunity for MD. She also asked me to sit for her to model. That makes me self conscious but it could be fun?.??


JM’s surgery is scheduled for the 17th of September. He is having he’s adenoids, tonsils and a large growth removed from his sinus cavity. That growth is absolutely preventing him from breathing on that one side and the doctor sees from the CT scan there is an infection under his eye and next to his brain because of it. We are hoping by taking such aggressive actions thing will start getting better for him. Although I will say ever since I told him the three day EEG was the “cure” to his neck tick he no longer has the neck tick??? BUT that does not dismiss the nighttime mini seizures and irregular overnight EEG (T4 spikes). So He will be missing about two weeks of school. Which I have to say may not be all that bad because right now all they are doing is kindergarten review and JM is getting in trouble everyday because he is flat out bored. So hopefully when he returns to class they will have started some new material. Ok so that’s about it for now.

A Place For Everything

removing the clutter...forever